We work to create an inclusive environment for our diverse workforce, centered around our respect for human rights, and put our people at the heart of our business. We provide them with safe workplaces, care for their well-being and foster their involvement in creating a positive working environment.

Our Focus Areas

Compliance Instruments

Our Code of Conduct provides behavioral guidance and expectations to help all colleagues understand that doing what is right every day matters. All colleagues and contract workers are required to complete the training annually, up to and including our Executive Committee and our Board of Directors. Other global training topics beyond our Code of Conduct include anti-bribery, anti-corruption, discrimination and harassment, confidentiality and information security, conflicts of interest, fair competition (anti-trust), protection of assets, speaking up, unconscious bias, and workplace safety. In addition, we operate the "Lonza Ethics Hotline" to capture potential unethical conduct.

We periodically review and update our policies to address changes of laws and regulations and strengthen compliance.